View on GitHub Gimp Inpainting Plug-in

Recover or remove image regions by inpainting surrounding features

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Plug-in Documentation

Below is a reproduction of the inpainting plugin window with some extra red labels. See text below for an explanation of all the labelled parameters for the plugin.

(a) Source
- Select layer to be inpainted
(b) Mask
- binary mask image (optional)
(c) Stop Path
- stop path (optional)
(d) Mask Type
- Select type of region to be inpainted. Choose between "Selection" (uses current selection as the region to be inpainted) or "Binary Mask" (uses a given layer chosen using (b), the "Mask" option). If a stop path has been selected, then ".. with Stop Path" will be appended to each of these options. Use the stop path to define the inpainting ordering.
(e) Mask Threshold
- Sets the threshold to use for the Binary Mask image. Pixels with a value above this threshold will be inpainted.
(f) Pixel neighbourhood (epsilon)
- Kernel width in pixels. This defines the length scale of the features to be inpainted. Image features smaller than this width will be ignored / smoothed out
(g) Sharpness (kappa)
(h) Pre-smoothing (sigma)
- Structure tensor parameters
(i) Post-smoothing (rho)
- Structure tensor parameters